Veteran of electricity

Автор: Елизавета Филиппова
г. Калининград

Mikhail Moskvichev from Kaliningrad has been working as an electrician, responsible for repair and after sales services of cars for 33 years. That`s what he says: «If you want to love your job, you have to work! As soon as you see the result of your work, you will love, what you do».

Mikhail Moskvichev starts his working day at 8:00 am. Every morning he checks test and measurement equipment, makes sure it all works right and shows the accurate data.

- Today is a surprisingly sunny morning. All the numbers can be seen well. The sun rays get into every distant corner of the room, so that any malfunction in the equipment would be seen straight away, - he says, cleaning the dust from one of the machines.

When, 33 years ago, Mikhail Alexandrovich has just started working in the Kaliningrad generation company and saw the control room equipment for the first time, the weather was just the same. «Despite the fact that it was autumn, everything was lit by the bright sun. The glass of the equipment was shining with different colours, and the whole atmosphere was setting the mood for a productive day», — Mikhail Alexandrovich remembers.

He was born in sunny Baku. There he graduated from a technical school. He`s been trained to work as a marine radio operator. He dreamed of his life to be connected with the sea.

However, he`s been sent to serve his duty to Kaliningrad. Mikhail was amazed by the beauty of old streets and german houses with red tile roofs. Four years later after the demobilization he decided to go back: «When I was looking for the job, I found out there`s an opportunity to work in the energy sector in Kaliningrad oblast. So I decided to try».

A lot has changed since 1985.

- For instance, we were put in charge of a station that provides energy for Oktyabrsky island. In 1990s we had a fuel switching: we started using gas instead of fuel oil, - says Mikhail, easily remembering all the dates.

It was a time when we bought the new equipment, we decided to change the cable lines, measuring equipment and automation.

- We all did it with our own hands. Moreover, all our old duties remained. It really brought us together. Many of those who took part in fuel switching of the heating plants, still work here.

«It`s important to get to the core of how each mechanism works, it`s really addictive. This job can`t become boring with years cause the new equipment appears, and the new technologies replace the old ones. I used to work with mechanic devices, and now we have microprocessor technology here. That`s why I don`t think my profession is just work, it`s more of a life, and there`s always a place for new discoveries».

The article from "My Kaliningrad" website


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