In a time machine

Автор: Наталья Зобнина
г. Владимир

He dreams of creating a series of paintings with KAMAZ racecars and making a trip around the world by his original route: from Greece to Armenia. That's the kind of guy Maxim Buryka lives in Vladimir and he is an artist.

Maxim is the grandson and great-grandson of talented craftsmen Alexander Buryka and Egor Babakov. He took a while to realize that his calling - brush, paint, and canvas. He dreamed of being a professional driver. And he became one! Cars are an integral part of his life. Moreover, the four-wheeled "comrades" are the main characters of most of his paintings.

Maxim Buryka with his artwork

- A painting is a work of art with a complete character. This definition, however, does not fit what I paint. Therefore, I can't say that my creations bear the status of "works of art". They are great sketches rather than small paintings...

Maxim says that he does not do art on a daily basis. Sometimes, it takes him more than six months to find inspiration. He discovered his own "art-shtick" - the things that he paints the most are... retro cars. He even managed to build a collection close to his ancestral home: "Ever since childhood I have felt a strong connection to cars. I also really like enjoy traveling by car, to really explore our country."

I love to immerse in the process all the way. Sometimes, I paint several pieces a month and do not let myself be distracted by anything.

It seems to me that those landscapists, who deal with more fundamental objects, have much easier time creating a painting - a church, a tree, a river are difficult to "move", while my main characters can be removed without any hassle. I try to depict cars that have turned into "real estate", which might also vanish. One of the last paintings I had to leave unfinished precisely because the old car, which had ingrown into the ground, was nicked and dismantled for spare parts!

The retro-car parking of Maxim

The magic is that, while painting, I channel all my thoughts and strength into a piece. The artwork reflects emotional state of the artist. It is his vision of colour, courage and determination of his interpretation. Although there is a very thin line between what I have listed and the mere masquerade. In my paintings, the colour mood matters the most, it catches the eye.

The report from the project "NAME" of the Travel Club of the TV-channel "My planet"


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